MSt/MPhil course: Phonetics and Phonology
Michaelmas Term 2011

John Coleman

Weeks 1-4 (2 classes, 3 hours per week) are required for all MSt/1st year MPhils, and will provide a good grounding for phonetics/phonology preparation for Paper A.

Weeks 5-8 also support Paper A, and are essential grounding for students taking Paper B(i) Phonetics and Phonology and B(vii) Experimental Phonetics.

Reading list (NB this will be built up incrementally as the course progresses)

Weeks 1-4:
    Foundation Course: Introduction to Phonetics. (Undergraduate course, suitable for all beginners.) Mondays at 12, Taylorian Hall.

    Phonetics and Phonology lectures, Mondays 3-5 pm, Centre for Linguistics and Philology room 206

Week 1: Relationships between Phonology and Phonetics
    Breathing: more on respiration and airstream mechanisms

Week 2: Phonation categories
    Voice, tone, intonation, glottalization
    Handouts: Phonetic Basis of Intonation
                     An Autosegmental Approach to Intonation

Week 3: Vowels, consonants, categories, the (un)realities of segments and phonemes

Week 4: Vowel features and systems; vowel harmony

Week 5: Brain vs. mouth
    Coarticulation, multiple articulation, assimilation
    Lips and velum; distributed exponents of "voicing"

Week 6: Logical and quantitative models
    A grammar of syllables

Week 7: Stress and rhythm

Week 8: Prediction of stress